Donec efficitur, ligula ut lacinia
viverra, lorem lacus.
What’s special about Classical Chinese Medicine?
The classical theory on Chinese Medicine were all published about 2 millennia ago. Chinese Medicine uses visible and discernible indicators from your daily life to define your health, without requiring you to undergo invasive and expensive procedures. Classical Chinese Medicine emphasizes the balancing of all the body functions to maintain health, complimenting the Western medicine approach, which focuses on individual organs. Chinese Medicine tracks down the root cause of your health issues rather than treating the symptoms. By identifying key areas to watch carefully, you can begin to improve your health and body from the inside out. Treating only symptoms with drugs or extreme diets can sometimes cause or exacerbate other conditions; by treating the root cause, Chinese Medicine can help alleviate all symptoms in a natural and healthy way.
Some authorities created a standardized and universal approach, providing a more consistent and universal system of medicine. This system of medicine was then widely taught in universities and practiced throughout the Chinese medical system.
TCM was a hybrid that emerged from this context, and CCM is the result of older, more authentic medical theories being shelved until the TCM “renaissance” of recent decades.
How soon should I expect to see effects after a clinic visit?
It depends on the individual’s medical condition. It can be as quickly as a few days or can take up to a month. Consult w at ThreeGifts Clinic for details.
How to prepare for my first visit at ThreeGifts clinic?
- Fill out ThreeGifts New Patient Registration packet , and bring the completed forms to the clinic.
- Please pay attention to your daily life patterns such as ☞Urine color and volume, stool shape and volume, ☞appetite☞ Location, ☞frequency and duration of sweating. ☞Location and quality of pain if you are pain complainer. “You feel sick. Have you described your symptoms clearly to the doctor?”…
- On the day of your appointment, please avoid brushing your tongue (brushing your teeth is fine) and avoid applying makeup. This will aid the practitioner in observing and diagnosing your health condition.
Why do you also use herb powders? What are the pros and cons versus the actual herb?
The herb powders offered by ThreeGifts are of the top quality. The most obvious advantage is that herb powder is very convenient and easy to use, especially on travel occasions. It is also easier to give to young children than herb soup. But it may take a bit longer to see the effects than the whole herb.
All the herb powders offered by ThreeGifts are UK and EU FDA approved. Be careful when you buy herb powders from an unknown source.
What is the quality of the herbs provided by Three Gifts? How should I prepare herb soups?
ThreeGifts has its own in-house herb room in order to ensure a good overall quality control over every step of the treatment process. One may find the similar kind of herbs in a health food shop at lower price, but those tend to be food-grade rather than pharmaceutical-grade, thus may not provide a medicinal effect. ThreeGifts herbs are ground which is granules with easy-to-follow instructions. The patient simply boils the herb granules in a small cup as instructed.
What other medical approaches besides acupuncture is offered? What if I’m afraid of needles?
Contrary to the pain from injection needle of western medicine, there is only a minor sensation when acupuncture needle penetrates the skin and no bleeding when retrieving the needle in most cases. At ThreeGifts acupuncture is one of the ways to treat patients. Other availabe forms of effective treatments include herbs (including herb powder), moxa (local heat treatment with herbs), remote online diagnosis and treatment wih Chinese medicine herb formula. If acupuncture cannot be applied due to a patient’s concern, other non-intrusive treatment can be used instead.
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